OALT/ABO Social Event at OLA Super Conference
Members of OALT/ABO and Library Technicians,
The Ontario Association of Library Technicians/Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario (OALT/ABO) is hosting a meet and greet and social event at the OLA Super Conference! This is a chance to chat and mingle with members of the Association and the Board of Directors.
When: Thursday February 1st, 2018 @ 5 to 7:30 pm EST
Where: Canyon Creek, 156 Front Street West
*Appetizers will be provided by OALT/ABO.
***Alcoholic/non-alcoholic beverages & dinner menu items are available for purchase from the restaurant***
Please RSVP on or before Wednesday January 24th to info@oaltabo.on.ca, quoting the subject line: OLA Social.