Welcome to the Ontario Association of Library Technicians / Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario

Volunteer opportunities : Board of Directors

Are you interested in volunteering for a position on the Board of Directors of OALT/ABO? If so, we are looking for you. The following positions are currently available:Board of Directors Meeting


  1. Maintains minutes of all Board of Director meetings.
  2. Prepares and distributes agendas and minutes to the Board of Directors and Appointed Officers.

Internal Communications Coordinator

  1. Disseminates information about OALT/ABO, issues and developments in library sciences and library technicians to Association members.
  2. Coordinates website, discussion list and salary survey


  1. Maintains a complete collection of OALT/ABO documents
  2. Maintains an inventory of the archival materials.

Membership Coordinator: One Year Commitment

  1. In Collaboration with the Association Treasurer, manages membership
  2. Coordinates annual membership renewal drive and the membership directory.

If you are interested in learning more about or filling any of these roles, please contact Vincent Elit via email at info@oaltabo.on.ca, or one of our social media platforms.