Welcome to the Ontario Association of Library Technicians / Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario

Minutes / Procès-verbal

Meeting Minutes [PDF]

46th Annual General Meeting / 46e Assemblée Générale Annuelle

Saturday May 04, 2019 / le samedi le 04 mai 2019
Best Western Cairncroft
6400 Lundy’s Ln
Niagara Falls, Ontario L2G 1T6

Minutes / Procès-verbal

1. Call to Order/Appel à l’ordre
Meeting called to order at 12:16 p.m. Quorum: 23 people required for quorum: 8 proxies, 23 members were present in person. Quorum was met.

The meeting was Chaired by Vincent Elit (President), Liz Aldrey, (Parliamentarian), Sharon Doyle, (Recording Secretary).

2. Adoption of the Agenda of the 46th Annual General Meeting/ Adoption de l’ordre du jour de jour de la 46e assemblée générale annuelle.
No additions or changes to the Agenda. Motion to adopt the Agenda by Kerry McCauley, seconded by Maggie Hulett.                                                                                 Motion – Carried.

3. Adoption of the Minutes of the 45rd Annual General Meeting/ Adoption du procès verbal de la 45e assemblée générale annuelle.
Moved by Pam Casey, seconded by Liz Aldrey to adopt the Minutes from the 45th Annual General Meeting as read.                                                                              Motion – Carried.

4. Reports/Rapports
The Association’s Bylaws require that three Board members prepare reports for the Annual General Meeting: The President reports on the Association’s activities during the previous year, the Treasurer on the overall financial well-being of the Association, including membership. Finally, the Conference Coordinator reports on financials related to the annual conference as this is the single largest expense the Association bears.
a. Board of Directors/Conseil d’administration
i. President/Président
Vincent Elit gave a summary of his report, the full report is available online.

  • Douglas Willford asked about attendance at the Student Meet & Greet college events.

ii. Treasurer/Trésoière
Lori O’Connor presented the Treasurer’s Report. Bank reconciliation form for end of the year shows balance of $36,007.75.  Outstanding cheques are listed in table and subtracted from the balance.  Member fees $4318.00, and Chapter fees were $572.00.  Total expenses for 2018 $18,854.87.

Membership statistics are included in the report. We have 127 individual memberships and 35 group members.  The full report is available online.


  • Pam Casey asked if we as a non-profit organization invest in TFSA, Lori O’Connor will investigate and report back to the group.
  • Vicky Lynham asked if the Chapter account balances are included in the associations grand total.  Lori O’Connor responded, Yes
  • Pam Casey asked if members are informed if chapter is active or not.  Yes, notification if part of the online sign-up form.

iii. Conference Report/ Rapport de conférence

The 2019 Conference was held at the Best Western Cairn Croft on Lundy’s Lane in Niagara Falls.  The place was chosen last June and seemed to flow fairly smoothly.  Melanie Taylor-Ridgway and several of the Board assisted with glitches.  Thanks to Lori; Jessica; Vincent and Mary.

As part of personal trips to the Falls; several meetings were held with the Hotel and possible presenters-many other presenters were reached through emails and with Melanie’s help.

Thanks to Mary Chisholm for the amazing cover for the conference.

The Niagara Falls Public Library agreed quickly to hosting us for a day and provided the rooms for free.  They also offered two of their staff to host a Makerspace workshop throughout the day in the Sir Harry Oakes Room.

Several local businesses offered their products at whole costs to the Conference.

Several local businesses have also donated prizes for the draws, including Pelham Public Library and Belleville Public Library.

The Theme was Poetry in Motion and several activities were planned for the Conference including Black Out Poetry, Spine Poetry, Magnetic Poetry and Poetry Bingo.

Thank you to the local people mostly from the Niagara area who were presenters at the Conference.

Moved by Douglas Willford, seconded by Katherine Heney to adopt all three reports as written and presented.                                                                                Motion Carried.

b. Committees/ Comité
i. Presidential Award / Prix du président

No nominations were received by the committee.

ii. Award for Innovation/ Prix pour l’innovation
No nominations were received by the committee.

iii. Nominating Committee/Comité des candidatures

No nominations were received by the committee.

Elections of Officers

Liz Aldrey will be parliamentarian for the nominations and elections.


Kerry McCauley nominated Vincent Elit, seconded by Douglas Willford

No other nominations.

Motion to close by Pam Casey, seconded by Katherine Heney                   Motion Carried

Vincent Elit acclaims the position.


No Nominations

Moved to close by Lori O’Connor, seconded by Janna Colton                      Motion Carried

Position Vacant.


Janna Colton nominated Lori O’Connor, seconded by Vicky Lynham.

No other nominations.

Motion to close by Kerry McCauley, seconded by Jill Turner Georicke.         Motion Carried

Lori O’Connor acclaims the position.

External Communications Coordinator

Heather Casson nominated by Vincent Elit, seconded by Pam Casey.

No other nominations.

Motion to close by Janna Colton, seconded by Douglas Willford.                Motion Carried

Heather was not in attendance at meeting and will accept the position.

Internal Communications Coordinator

No nominations.

Motion to close by Janna Colton, seconded by Maggie Hulett.                    Motion Carried

Position Vacant.

Conference Coordinator

Janna Colton nominated by Lori O’Connor, seconded by Kerry McCauley.

Motion to close by Pam Casey, seconded by Maggie Hulett.                        Motion Carried

Janna Colton acclaims the position.

Chapter Coordinator

Jeka Dupont nominated by Vincent Elit, seconded by Katherine Suffoletta

Motion to close by Lori O’Connor, seconded by Janna Colton.                    Motion Carried

Jeka was not in attendance at meeting and will accept the position.

Motion to adopt the committee reports as presented moved by Kerry McCauley, seconded by Liz Aldrey.                                                                                                         Motion  Carried.

5. Unfinished Business/Affaires en suspens
No unfinished business.

6. New Business/Affairs nouvelles
i) Moved by Pam Casey, seconded by Sharon Doyle, that a committee be struck to discuss the future of OALT/ABO.

Motion to close by Douglas Willford, seconded by Kerry McCauley.                               Motion Carried

Board of Directors will be in contact with committee.

Brief brainstorming session followed on possible committee activities.

  • Pam Casey – We need to increase membership and engagement among existing members.
  • Jill Turner Goericke – Student meet & greets add student members.
  • Janna Colton- Arrange town hall meetings to discuss association.
  • Maggie Hulett – Is membership open to all without restrictions?
  • Katherine Heney – Change membership requirements to allow all library workers to join.
  • Lori O’Connor – Workforce recognition of Tech Diploma is not universal.
  • Janna Colton – Publicity across the province
  • Melanie Ridgway-Taylor – Online program does not always tell students about our association, lack of publicity about programs
  • Douglas Willford – Reduced number of colleges offering the program, lack of representation of library technicians.
  • Janna Colton – Library tech programs need to be more involved with the association.
  • Douglas Willford – Library tech meetings at school boards level.
  • Maggie Hulett – Benefits of membership need more promotion.
  • Jill Turner Goericke – Technicians often work in areas other than the library.
  • Sharon Doyle – Offer free membership for all students in program.  Offer conference sponsorship to one student from each college program.
  • Pam Casey – We need to be on all social media platforms.

ii) Kerry McCauley announced the Toronto Chapter may start again with a Pub Night event.

iii)  Moved by Lori O’Connor, seconded by Pam Casey that Liz Aldrey be awarded a Lifetime Membership to the association.                                                                    Motion Carried.

7. Acknowledgement of the outgoing Board of Directors/Remerciements aux membres sortants du conseil d’administration

At this point the membership has the pleasure of thanking the members of the 2018/2019 Board, who have served the Association so well in the past year.

8. Appointment of Board of Directors/Nominations du conseil d’administration

Present: Vincent Elit President, Treasurer: Lori O’Connor.  External Communications Coordinator: Heather Casson. Internal Communications Coordinator: Vacant.  Conference Coordinator: Janna Colton. Chapter Coordinator: Jeka Dupont.

Moved to accept the slate of directors by Liz Aldrey, seconded by Douglas Willford.

Motion Carried.

9. Thanks to Conference Committee/Remerciements au comité d’organisation de la conférence I’d like to thank those members that volunteered over the past three days of Conference and to all the volunteers for your efforts.

10. Future Conferences/Prochaines conférences

Pam Casey suggested that we change the days of the week the conference is held.  By changing to a Thursday evening start and Sunday pm. ending we may attract more library workers who cannot attend weekday sessions/events.

11. Adjourned/Ajournement Call to close. Moved by Pam Casey to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Liz Aldrey. Motion – Carried. The 46th Annual General Meeting of OALT/ABO is hereby adjourned at 1:35 p.m.