Welcome to the Ontario Association of Library Technicians / Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario

Conference Coordinator’s Report / Rapport de la coordinatrice de la conférence

Conference Coordinator’s Report [PDF]

47th Annual General Meeting / 47e Assemblée Générale Annuelle

Saturday May 02, 2020 / le samedi le 02 mai 2020
online / en ligne

The 2020 OALT/ABO was planned for April 28-May 2, 2020 at Durham College.

All workshops were booked and Banquet Venue was booked at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery.  A tour was also booked for Thursday afternoon for members to go to the Oshawa Community Museum for a tour/talk.

On Tuesday March 17 the Board had a virtual meeting to discuss the future of the Conference with the Pandemic occurring.

A unanimous vote was taken to cancel the Conference for 2020.

Communication had occurred with Durham College who were going to release us from the Contract.

Upon further communication Robert McLaughlin Gallery also reimbursed their deposit.

I would like to thank Melanie Taylor-Ridway, Sharon Doyle, Shanna Giguere and Maggie Hulett with their assistance in planning this year’s conference.  And of course, the Board of Directors of the OALT/ABO.

I would like to put forth a motion that the 2021 Conference be held in Sudbury in May 2021.


Respectfully submitted,

Janna Munkittrick-Colton
Conference Coordinator, Board of Directors | Coordinatrice de la conférence, Conseil d’administration
Ontario Association of Library Technicians/Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario
info@oaltabo.on.ca | https://oaltabo.on.ca/