DRAFT – Meeting Minutes / PROJET – Procès-verbal de la réunion
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50th Annual General Meeting / 50e Assemblée Générale Annuelle
Saturday May 13 2023 / le samedi le 13 mai 2023
Onsite / Sur place : Durham College
Virtual / virtuel : online / en ligne
- Call to Order / Appel à l’ordre
Meeting called to order at 12:19 p.m. On December 31, 2022, we had 125 members on the membership register. Quorum: 12.5 people required for quorum: 2 proxies, 11 people in person and 3 members virtually. Quorum for the meeting was met.
Vincent Elit, President, chaired the meeting and Linda Landreville acted as Parliamentarian.
- Adoption of the Agenda of the 50th Annual General Meeting / Adoption de l’ordre du jour de jour de la 50e assemblée générale annuelle
No additions or changes to the agenda. Motion to adopt the Agenda by Mary Doyle, seconded by Penni Chalk. Motion – Carried.
- Adoption of the Minutes of the 49th Annual General Meeting / Adoption du procès-verbal de la 49e assemblée générale annuelle
A few name changes and typographical changes were made late in the day, and are reflected in the minutes that were shared on the screen.
Moved by Tracy Morgan, seconded by Barbara Cope to adopt the Minutes from the 49th Annual General Meeting as read. Motion – Carried. - Reports / Rapports
The Association’s Bylaws require that three Board members prepare reports for the Annual General Meeting: The President reports on the Association’s activities during the previous year, the Treasurer on the overall financial well-being of the Association, including membership. Finally, the Conference Coordinator reports on financials related to the annual conference, as this is the single largest expense the Association bears.
Board of Directors / Conseil d’administration
i. President / Président
Vincent Elit presented his President’s Report; the full report is available online (https://oaltabo.on.ca/49th-annual-president) and as an attachment to these minutes.
ii. Treasurer / Trésorière
Lori O’Connor presented the Treasurer’s Report; the full report is available online (https://oaltabo.on.ca/49th-annual-treasurer) and as an attachment to these minutes.
iii. Conference Report / Rapport de la conférence
Janna Munkittrick-Colton presented the Conference Coordinator’s Report. The full report is available online (https://oaltabo.on.ca/49th-annual-conference) and as an attachment to these minutes.
Barbara Cope – Asked if there is any idea when the polo shirts will be sent out.
Vincent Elit – Responded that after the conference, we will be in touch.
Moved by Linda Landreville, seconded by Liz Aldrey to adopt all three reports as written and presented. Motion Carried.
Committees / Comités
i. Presidential Award / Prix du président
This year, Janna Munkittrick-Colton was awarded the 2023 Presidential Award. The committee was Barbara Cope, Linda Landreville and Sharon Doyle.
ii. Award for Innovation / Prix pour l’innovation
This year the Board of Directors did not receive any nominations, and therefore no committee was struck.
iii. Nominating Committee / Comité des candidatures
No written nominations were received by the committee.
Elections of Officers
Liz Aldrey will be parliamentarian for the nominations and elections.
Vincent Elit is willing to stand in the position.
No other nominations.
Moved to close by Janna Munkittrick-Colton, seconded by Barbara Cope.
Motion Carried
Vincent Elit acclaims the position.
No Nominations
Moved to close by Penni Chalk, seconded by Mary Doyle.
Motion Carried
Position Vacant.
Lori O’Connor is willing to stand in the position.
No other nominations.
Motion to close by Barbara Cope, seconded by Kerry McCauley.
Motion Carried
Lori O’Connor acclaims the position.
External Communications Coordinator
Mary Doyle is willing to standing in the position.
Motion to close by Kerry McCauley, seconded by Linda Landreville.
Motion Carried
Mary Doyle acclaims the position.
Internal Communications Coordinator
No nominations
Motion to close by Lori O’Connor, seconded by Barbara Cope.
Motion Carried
Position Vacant
Conference Coordinator
Janna Munkittrick-Colton is willing to stand in the position.
No other nominations
Motion to close by Penni Chalk, seconded by Mary Doyle.
Motion Carried
Janna Munkittrick-Colton acclaims the position.
Chapter Coordinator
No nominations
Motion to close by Janna Munkittrick-Colton, seconded by Kerry McCauley.
Motion Carried
Position Vacant
Motion to adopt the committee reports as presented moved by Lori O’Connor, seconded by Kerry McCauley. Motion Carried.
- Unfinished Business / Affaires en suspens
- There were no items of unfinished business.
- New Business /Affaires nouvelles
- Linda Landreville – Started a discussion about getting together for a membership retention type of activity or workshop to increase membership engagement. Suggested possibly a virtual event, that could bring in more members (possibly students)
- Mary Doyle – Discussed the Seneca presentation visits, where the presentation was done to 4 classes of both 1st and 2nd year students. Also mentioned the social event at OLA SuperConference which we had been doing for many years, however didn’t this year due to the risks of costs versus possible attendance.
- Vincent Elit – We tried doing the Meet and Greet events in the winter, but will try and move them back to the Fall this year.
- Acknowledgement of the outgoing Board of Directors / Remerciements aux membres sortants du conseil d’administrationà
At this point the membership has the pleasure of thanking the members of the 2022/2023 Board, who have served the Association so well in the past year.
Vincent personally thanked the Board for their efforts over this past year and on behalf of the association gave the Board members a token of gratitude. These were mailed out before this meeting.
Lori O’Connor, Mary Doyle, Janna Munkittrick-Colton, Tamara Ozdemir, Tiffany Ribeiro and Jessica Hymers.
- Appointment of Board of Directors / Nominations du conseil d’administration
President: Vincent Elit
Treasurer: Lori O’Connor
External Communications Coordinator: Mary Doyle
Internal Communications Coordinator: vacant
2024 Conference Coordinator: Janna Munkittrick-Colton
Chapter Coordinator: vacant
Moved to accept the slate of directors by Kerry McCauley, seconded by Liz Aldrey. Motion Carried.
- Thanks to Conference Committee / Remerciements au comité d’organisation de la conférence
A huge thank you was sent out to all of the members who volunteered over the past several days of the Conference. This includes both in person and virtually, as well as at all of our various locations.
- Future Conferences / Prochaines conférences
Discussions took place that we had a fair bit of transition over the last few years from virtual, and now to hybrid. It was mentioned that there weren’t any objections to doing a hybrid conference in the future. It was noted that if we could advertise more engagement from online that would be great. Janna mentioned that we have started planning, and anticipate Hamilton next year, working with Mohawk College.
It was also discussed that we have worked with different technologies throughout the last few years, and that many organizations are continuing with either going hybrid or only in person.
- Adjournment / Levée de séance
Moved by Tracy Morgan to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mary Doyle. Motion Carried. The 50th Annual General Meeting of OALT/ABO is hereby adjourned at 1:30p.m.