Welcome to the Ontario Association of Library Technicians / Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario

AODA and Accessibility – Website Update

AODA Compliance  – What we’ve improved upon. by Katherine Butler

AODA stands for the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and it came into law on June 13, 2005. Furthermore, it applies to all levels of government, nonprofits, and private sector businesses in Ontario.

To remain compliant with these standards the OALT/ABO has installed the WP Accessibility Helper by Alex Volkov and, as a result, this website meets the requirements set out in this law.

What does the WP Accessibility Helper do?

The user can find the accessible icon in the top, left hand corner, and it can be clicked to reveal the sidebar.
This is the sidebar, and it’s where all of the accessible options are.
Links can be highlighted.
And underlined.
And the user can also invert the colours.





























References And Other Helpful Links