Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa : 2023 Annual Report
Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa Executive and Committees Special 2023 Annual Report
The restrictions from the past few years are in the rearview mirror. To our benefit, this era has left us with new tools for getting together. We now are living in a virtual/in-person hybrid world. This past year, while the Board of Directors met via Zoom (mainly due to geography), we also have had a few in-person activities.
On April 4, 2023, a small group of members gathered at Biagio’s Italian Kitchen Restaurant in Ottawa for a Special Chapter Meeting. Again, without a quorum or a complete slate of Executive, we presented a “joint” Chapter Annual Report along with our 2022 Financial Statement. Furthermore, since there was no new Executive put in place that evening, our administration team remained status quo. As such, Sharon Doyle was acclaimed in the Secretary position and Linda Landreville was acclaimed as Treasurer. Vincent Elit was appointed to continue his role as Archivist.
To keep Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa on the Association’s radar in 2023, Linda Landreville volunteered to represent the interests of the Chapter at the OALT/ABO Board of Directors. Throughout 2023, Linda logged into four Zoom Meetings and attended the 2022 OALT/ABO Annual General Meeting on Saturday, May 13, 2023, in person in Oshawa. This event also was available virtually for those who could not be present.
It is exciting that the Ontario Association of Library Technicians/Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario (OALT/ABO) recently has been able to celebrate its rich history.
In 2023, OALT/ABO marked its 50th Anniversary in Oshawa, recalling the Special Inaugural Meeting held in 1973. This year we are noting that in October 1974, OALT/ABO convened its first ever General Conference and Meeting in Toronto. During the months prior, what we then called The Ottawa Regional Branch/Section régionale d’Ottawa was formed and was recognised at the Conference – along with other Branches who were established at that time. This makes 2024 extra special – if only to remember that Ottawa, as currently the only continuously active Chapter, is able to mark its 50th Anniversary.
Collaboration has kept us going since 1974. Our Chapter always manages to find a way for members to come together to prove that Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa is still useful and relevant.
Thank you to Sharon Doyle, Vincent Elit and Linda Landreville for sitting behind the scenes while we wait for Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa to rebuild.
Submitted jointly by the Executive and Committees of Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa
2023 Financial Statement and Annual Report
(January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023)
Opening Bank Balance
January 1, 2023 $2,579.58
2023 Income:
Membership Remittances to OC/SO
October 23, 2023 | $166.00 |
2023 Income | $166.00 |
Total Credits | $2,745.58 |
2023 Expenses:
Bank Fees | $30.00 |
2023 Expenses | $30.00 |
Total Debits | $30.00 |
Closing Balance – December 31, 2023 $2,715.58
Bank Balance– December 31, 2023 $2,715.58
Budgeted Amounts in 2023 – (Budgeted and managed within the Chequing Account)
Pat Graham Student Sponsorship Fund
Balance on December 31, 2023 $126.76
Treasurer Activity Report 2023
In 2023, Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa again monitored its finances while OALT/ABO activities and meetings took place virtually. Throughout the year, the Treasurer’s activities included:
- Deposited one Membership Remittance cheques from OALT/ABO to our Chapter’s Account.
- Connected to fourOALT/ABO Board of Directors virtual meetings on behalf of Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa.
- Prepared the 2023 Annual Financial Statement for the OC/SO Special Chapter General Meeting in 2024
Respectfully submitted,
Original signed by:
Linda Landreville
Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa