Welcome to the Ontario Association of Library Technicians / Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario

Treasurer’s Report / Rapport de la Trésoirère

Treasurer’s Report [PDF]

51st Annual General Meeting / 51e Assemblée Générale Annuelle

Saturday May 24 2024 / le samedi le 24 mai 2024
Virtual / virtuel : online / en ligne

OALT/ABO Financial Statement
December 31, 2023

Year to date
Jan. 1, 2023 to Dec. 31, 2023
Previous year to date
Jan. 1, 2022 to Dec. 31, 2022
Cash on hand – January 1, 2023 41,751.89
Membership Fees 1 3,100.00 1,694.00
Chapter Fees 2 438.00 198.00
Conference 3 4,413.75 1,701.00
Corporate Sponsorship 0.00 0.00
Miscellaneous 4 0.19 63.67
Total 7,951.94 3,656.67
Conference 5 8,348.56 785.73
Chapter Expenses
Chapter Remittance 6 166.00 318.00
Refunds/Return cheques 7 400.00 12.00
Chapter Subsidy 0.00 0.00
Meeting Expenses
Socials, Rentals & Other Fees 8 1,244.46 1,258.80
Travel/Parking 9 815.03 111.62
Accommodation 10 794.70 0.00
General Business
Operating expenses 11 8.00 0.00
Banking fees12 51.38 59.55
Online banking fees 13 912.90 772.90
Postage/Postal Box Rental 14 230.52 576.45
Website 15 1,053.77 1,303.87
Professional Fees 16 994.68 1,048.68
Awards/Presidential Gifts 17 474.88 350.00
Total 15,494.88 6,597.60
Final Details:
Cash on hand – December 31, 2023 34,206.95

Halton-Peel Chapter $4,607.80
School Chapter $3,467.00
Toronto Chapter $7,529.10
Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa $50.00

Notes to the OALT/ABO Financial Statement

1/2 Membership fees received in 2023 were $3,100.00 and Chapter fees collected were $438.00.

3 Conference Income $4,413.75

4 Miscellaneous – We received income $0.19 for VISA reimbursement.

 Total Revenue from 2023 : $7,951.94

5 Conference Expenses – Conference fees were $8,348.56

6 Chapter Remittance – $166.00 was paid to Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa.

7 Refunds/Returned Cheques – $400.00 for Polo shirts refund and membership overpayment.

8 Socials and Rentals – OLA Exhibition Booth and swag $1,244.46.

9 Travel – Travel expenses of $815.03 for OLA SuperConference and Seneca College event.

10 Accommodations – OLA SuperConference $794.70

11 Operating Expenses – Ontario Entity Profile Report – $8.00

12 Bank Fees$53.38

13 Online Bank Fees$912.90

14 Postage/Post box rental – $230.52 Canada Post Mail Forwarding Fees and Post Box rental

15 Website – Software and maintenance costs $1,053.77

16 Professional Fees – Insurance Policy for 2023 equals $994.68

17 Awards and Gift Cards$474.88

Total Expenses for 2023 : $15,494.88.

In 2023, the association had a loss of $7,542.94

Membership & Chapters

All Chapters
December 31, 2023
Income Details Balances
Halton Peel
9 members
Opening Balance Jan. 2023 4,539.80
Chapter fees collected 108.00
Balance as of Dec. 31, 2022 4,647.80
2 members
Opening Balance Jan. 2023 3,447.00
Chapter fees collected 20.00
Balance as of Dec. 31, 2023 3,475.00
10 members
Opening Balance Jan. 2023 7,433.10
Chapter fees collected 104.00
Balance as of Dec. 31, 2023 7,537.10

Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa has 16 members.
*Note: The Ottawa Chapter/Section details can be found on their website, and was approved at their Chapter Annual General Meeting.

Membership Statistics
2023 2022 2021
$ 2,572.00 received in membership fees

  • 110 members total
  • 39 Full
  • 48 Students
  • 9 Group
  • 11 Retired/unemployed
  • 1 Associate
  • 2 Lifetime
$ 3,138.00 received in membership fees

  • 127 members total
  • 47 Full
  • 45 Students
  • 16 Group
  • 17 Retired/unemployed
  • 1 Associate
  • 2 Lifetime
$ 4,316.00 received in membership fees

  • 151 members total
  • 66 Full
  • 57 Students
  • 11 Group
  • 14 Retired/unemployed
  • 1 Associate
  • 2 Lifetime


Respectfully submitted,

-Original signed by Lori O’Connor

Lori O’Connor
Treasurer, Board of Directors | Trésoière, Conseil d’administration
Ontario Association of Library Technicians/Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario
info@oaltabo.on.ca | https://oaltabo.on.ca/