Welcome to the Ontario Association of Library Technicians / Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario

2024 Proposed Amendments

As noted at our Special Conference Meeting on September 14, 2024, the below is an online ballot to obtain consent of the membership to amend the OALT/ABO Constitution and By-laws. It may be amended by a two-thirds vote of returned ballots sent to the entire voting membership. You can see the current version of the Constitution and Bylaws at https://oaltabo.on.ca/about/bylaws/

You may also review the presentation provided at the Special Conference meeting here : Draft Presentation – 2024-09-14 Special Conference Meeting.

Please see your unique Voter ID and Voter Key which was sent to all registered members via email. The link is https://oaltabo.electionrunner.com/.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Board of Directors Team at info@oaltabo.on.ca.