Welcome to the Ontario Association of Library Technicians / Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario

Algonquin College Student Meet and Greet



The Ottawa Chapter/Section d’Ottawa of the Ontario Association of Library Technicians/Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario invites…

Students of the Algonquin College daytime and continuing education Library and Information Technician Programs and the Bachelor of Information Technology – Information Resource Management Program and Members of the Ottawa Chapter/Section Ottawa to our OALT/ABO Student Meet and Greet.

Date: Monday October 03, 2016

Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Location: Salon D, D building, Algonquin College – Woodroffe Campus

Enjoy free food and refreshments while you mingle with members and learn about the Association and the benefits of membership.

There will be a draw held for a free student membership.

Members of the Ottawa Executive and Committee chairs will be present to answer all of your questions.

*Members are encouraged to attend and meet the next generation of information professionals.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Please RSVP by Thursday September 29, 2016 below.
