Minutes / Procès-verbaux
47th Annual General Meeting / 47e Assemblée Générale Annuelle
Saturday May 02, 2020 / le samedi le 02 mai 2012
Online via WebEx
Minutes / Procès-verbal
1. Call to Order/Appel à l’ordre
Meeting called to order at 12:35 p.m. Quorum: 14 people required for quorum: 0 proxies, 16 members were present online. Quorum was met.
The meeting was Chaired by Vincent Elit (President), Jeka Dupont, (Parliamentarian), Sharon Doyle, (Recording Secretary).
2. Adoption of the Agenda of the 47th Annual General Meeting/ Adoption de l’ordre du jour de jour de la 47e assemblée générale annuelle.
No additions or changes to the Agenda. Motion to adopt the Agenda by Pam Casey, seconded by Lori O’Connor. Motion – Carried.
3. Adoption of the Minutes of the 46th Annual General Meeting/ Adoption du procès verbal de la 46e assemblée générale annuelle.
Moved by Jeka Dupont, seconded by Pam Casey to adopt the Minutes from the 46th Annual General Meeting as read. Motion – Carried.
4. Reports/Rapports
The Association’s Bylaws require that three Board members prepare reports for the Annual General Meeting: The President reports on the Association’s activities during the previous year, the Treasurer on the overall financial well-being of the Association, including membership. Finally, the Conference Coordinator reports on financials related to the annual conference as this is the single largest expense the Association bears.
a. Board of Directors/Conseil d’administration
i. President/Président
Vincent Elit gave a summary of his report, the full report is available online and as an attachment to these minutes.
ii. Treasurer/Trésoière
Lori O’Connor presented the Treasurer’s Report. The full report is available online and as an attachment to these minutes.
*Pam Casey asked why we have a school chapter with no members? The question was tabled to be addressed in New Business.
*Liz Aldrey asked about member notification for Halton-Peel social events. Liz volunteered to help work on upcoming events using social media to advertise events.
iii. Conference Report/ Rapport de conférence
The 47th annual Conference was unfortunately cancelled due to Covid19. Conference Coordinator, Janna Munkittrick-Colton reported that all deposits except for $750 for the banquet have been refunded. The caterer offered a credit good for 5 years instead of a full refund. Janna wished to thank the committee members for all their work on the conference.
Moved by Liz Aldrey, seconded by Jeka Dupont to adopt all three reports as written and presented. Motion Carried.
b. Committees/ Comité
i. Presidential Award / Prix du président
A Presidential Award committee was stuck this year. The committee is currently preparing their report and results will be available in June.
ii. Award for Innovation/ Prix pour l’innovation
No nominations were received by the committee.
iii. Nominating Committee/Comité des candidatures
No nominations were received by the committee.
iv. Outstanding Student Award
Algonquin College – Emma Russell
Durham College – Quinn Salverda
Mohawk College – Elizabeth (Lynne) Fascinato
Seneca College – Emily Spencer
Elections of Officers
Liz Aldrey will be parliamentarian for the nominations and elections.
Jeka Dupont nominated Vincent Elit, seconded by Tiffany Ribeiro
No other nominations.
Motion Carried
Vincent Elit acclaims the position.
No Nominations
Moved to close by Tiffany Ribeiro, seconded by Vincent Elit. Motion Carried
Position Vacant.
Jeka Dupont nominated Lori O’Connor, seconded by Janna Munkittrick-Colton.
No other nominations.
Motion to close by Kelly Sobie, seconded by Linda Landreville. Motion Carried
Lori O’Connor acclaims the position.
External Communications Coordinator
Kate Terech nominated by Sarah Goodyear, seconded by Tiffany Ribeiro.
No other nominations.
Motion to close by Jeka Dupont, seconded by Lori O’Connor. Motion Carried
Kate Terech accepted the position.
Internal Communications Coordinator
Sarah Goodyear nominated by Vincent Elit, seconded by Kate Terech.
No other nominations
Motion to close by Jeka Dupont, seconded by Janna Munkittrick-Colton. Motion Carried
Position Vacant.
Conference Coordinator
Janna Munkittrick-Colton nominated by Jeka Dupont, seconded by Mary Chisholm.
No other nominations
Motion to close by Pam Casey, seconded by Vincent Elit. Motion Carried
Janna Munkittrick-Colton acclaims the position.
Chapter Coordinator
Jeka Dupont nominated by Tiffany Ribeiro, seconded by Sarah Goodyear.
No other nominations.
Motion to close by Lori O’Connor, seconded by Vincent Elit. Motion Carried
Jeka Dupoint acclaims this position.
Motion to adopt the committee reports as presented moved by Jeka Dupont, seconded by Liz Aldrey. Motion Carried.
5. Unfinished Business/Affaires en suspens
No unfinished business.
6. New Business/Affairs nouvelles
- Pam Casey asked why we have a school chapter with no members? Brief discussion followed on school chapters. This is the first year without a school chapter.
- Chapter needs at least 3 members to hold a vote and officially close. Some members volunteered to join the chapter for this purpose.
- Mary Chisholm expressed an interest in reviving the school chapter.
- Suggestion that we wait until the COVID-19 situation is resolved before closing the chapter.
- More discussion/promotion needed for chapters.
- Volunteers needed to run chapters. Jeka will investigate if there is any interest.
Moved by Janna Munkittrick-Colton, seconded by Lori O’Connor to work with any interested parties to revive the School Chapter. Motion Carried.
7. Acknowledgement of the outgoing Board of Directors/Remerciements aux membres sortants du conseil d’administration
At this point the membership has the pleasure of thanking the members of the 2019/2020 Board, who have served the Association so well in the past year.
Vincent personally thanked the Board for their efforts over this past year and on behalf of the association gave the Board members a token of gratitude. These were mailed out before this meeting.
Lori O’Connor, Sarah Goodyear, Heather Casson, Janna Munkittrick-Colton, Jeka Dupont, Tiffany Ribeiro and Mary Chisholm.
8. Appointment of Board of Directors/Nominations du conseil d’administration
President: Vincent Elit
Treasurer: Lori O’Connor
External Communications Coordinator: Kate Terech
Internal Communications Coordinator: Sarah Goodyear
Conference Coordinator: Janna Munkittrick-Colton
Chapter Coordinator: Jeka Dupont
Moved to accept the slate of directors by Pam Casey, seconded by Kelly Sobie. Motion Carried.
9. Thanks to Conference Committee/Remerciements au comité d’organisation de la conférence
Vincent thanked Jann Munkittrick-Colton and her team of volunteers including Melanie Taylor-Ridgeway, Sharon Doyle, Shanna Giguere and Maggie Hulte who planned and organized the 2020 conference. Unfortunately, due to the current circumstances of COVID-19, we were unable to host the conference this year.
10. Future Conferences/Prochaines conférences
Janna reported that a 2021 Conference plan will be included in the next board meeting. Sudbury is being considered as a possible location with a webinar aspect to be included in case COVID-19 is still an issue. It was suggested that the distance to Sudbury is too far and would reduce the number of attendees. It was suggested that we investigate holding a hybrid conference with a mix of in person and virtual attendees and presenters.
11. Adjourned/Ajournement
Moved by Janna Munkittrick-Colton to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Lori O’Connor. Motion Carried. The 47th Annual General Meeting of OALT/ABO is hereby adjourned at 1:43 p.m.