Welcome to the Ontario Association of Library Technicians / Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario

Minutes / Procès-verbal

Meeting Minutes [PDF]

48th Annual General Meeting / 48e Assemblée Générale Annuelle

Friday May 14, 2021 / le vendredi le 14 mai 2021
Online / En ligne

Minutes / Procès-verbal

1. Call to Order/Appel à l’ordre
Meeting called to order at 12:19 p.m. Quorum: 13 people required for quorum: 0 proxies, 27 members were present online. Quorum was met.

The meeting was Chaired by Vincent Elit (President), Kate Terech (Parliamentarian).

2. Adoption of the Agenda of the 48th Annual General Meeting/ Adoption de l’ordre du jour de jour de la 48e assemblée générale annuelle.
No additions or changes to the Agenda. Motion to adopt the Agenda by Kate Terech, seconded by Mary Doyle. Motion – Carried.

3. Adoption of the Minutes of the 47th Annual General Meeting/ Adoption du procès verbal de la 47e assemblée générale annuelle.
Moved by Liz Aldrey, seconded by Barbara Cope to adopt the Minutes from the 76th Annual General Meeting as read. Motion – Carried.

4. Reports/Rapports
The Association’s Bylaws require that three Board members prepare reports for the Annual General Meeting: The President reports on the Association’s activities during the previous year, the Treasurer on the overall financial well-being of the Association, including membership. Finally, the Conference Coordinator reports on financials related to the annual conference as this is the single largest expense the Association bears.
a. Board of Directors/Conseil d’administration
i. President/Président
Vincent Elit gave a summary of his report, the full report is available online and as an attachment to these minutes.
ii. Treasurer/Trésoière
Lori O’Connor presented the Treasurer’s Report. The full report is available online and as an attachment to these minutes.

iii. Conference Report/ Rapport de conférence

Janna Munkittrick-Colton presented the Conference Coordinator’s Report. The full report is available online and as an attachment to these minutes.

Moved by Linda Landreville, seconded by Penni Chalk to adopt all three reports as written and presented. Motion Carried.

b. Committees/ Comité
i. Presidential Award / Prix du président
A Presidential Award committee was stuck this year. Sharon Wigney was the Chair of the Committee, and a verbal report was given at the meeting. The 2021 Presidential Award was given to Barbara Cope. An in-person awards ceremony will be held when public health restrictions are reduced.

ii. Award for Innovation/ Prix pour l’innovation
No nominations were received by the committee.

iii. Nominating Committee/Comité des candidatures
No nominations were received by the committee.

iv. Outstanding Student Award
Algonquin College – Yuli Sato
Mohawk College – Deborah Boulton
Seneca College – Victoria Dattoli

Elections of Officers

Liz Aldrey will be parliamentarian for the nominations and elections.

Janna Munkittrick-Colton nominated Vincent Elit, seconded by Sarah Goodyear
No other nominations.
Moved to close by Barbara Cope, seconded by Kate Terech.
Motion Carried
Vincent Elit acclaims the position.

No Nominations
Moved to close by Sarah Goodyear, seconded by Kate Terech.
Motion Carried
Position Vacant.

Janna Munkittrick-Colton nominated Lori O’Connor, seconded by Penni Chalk.
No other nominations.
Motion to close by Janna Munkittrick-Colton, seconded by Penni Chalk.
Motion Carried
Lori O’Connor acclaims the position.

External Communications Coordinator
Kate Terech nominated by Lori O’Connor, seconded by Kelly Sobie.
No other nominations.
Motion to close by Lori O’Connor, seconded by Kelly Sobie.
Motion Carried
Kate Terech acclaims the position.

Internal Communications Coordinator
Sarah Goodyear nominated by Brenda Holz, seconded by Kate Terech.
No other nominations
Motion to close by Barbara Cope, seconded by Kelly Sobie.
Motion Carried
Sarah Goodyear acclaims the position.

Conference Coordinator
Janna Munkittrick-Colton nominated by Mary Doyle, seconded by Lori O’Connor.
No other nominations
Motion to close by Brenda Holz, seconded by Sarah Goodyear.
Motion Carried
Janna Munkittrick-Colton acclaims the position.

Chapter Coordinator
Jeka Dupont nominated by Janna Munkittrick-Colton, seconded by Linda Landreville.
No other nominations.
Motion to close by Barbara Cope, seconded by Penni Chalk.
Motion Carried
Jeka Dupoint acclaims this position.

Motion to adopt the committee reports as presented moved by Liz Aldrey, seconded by Janna Munkittrick-Colton. Motion Carried.

5. Unfinished Business/Affaires en suspens

  • In 2017, a Committee was struck to assist with the dissolution of Chapters. Tracy was the Chair, and the committee did do the work that was tasked. Additional review by the Board will be completed.
  • Mary Doyle asked about the future of the School Chapter.
  • Janna Munkittrick-Colton discussed the luncheon discussion that was schedule at the 2020 conference, however cancelled due to the pandemic. She mentioned that it is still the intention of the Board for us to do. Pam Casey suggested doing a Special Zoom Meeting. Janet agreed this is an important conversation, and that there is a n advantage to building this conversation.
  • The plan is to have a session schedule in June to discuss Chapters, as the session unfortunately was cancelled at this year’s conference due to technical difficulties with another session.

6. New Business/Affairs nouvelles

  • We have seen a lot of success at this year’s conference. We had a lot of speakers that wanted to share in the new virtual space, and it allowed us to reach a wider range of the membership (with no travel/accommodations costs).
  • The Board will explore a series of Lunch and Learn sessions through the year, as an added benefit of membership. They would be similar to our 45-minute style workshops, and could be run during lunch hours.
  • Two sessions recommended are the Chapter Discussion and the Revamping your Early Reader Collection which did not occur during this conference.
  • Both Kate and Janet agree with reinforcing ongoing professional development following the annual conference. It also allows us do deep dives on specific topics, and creating relationships with other organizations/library community.
  • Tiffany introduced herself as the Association’s Archivist, and thanked members for documents they have been sending. Documents can be sent at archives@oaltabo.on.ca.
  • It was asked that the Board posts our position email addresses on our website.

7. Acknowledgement of the outgoing Board of Directors/Remerciements aux membres sortants du conseil d’administration

At this point the membership has the pleasure of thanking the members of the 2020/2021 Board, who have served the Association so well in the past year.
Vincent personally thanked the Board for their efforts over this past year and on behalf of the association gave the Board members a token of gratitude. These were mailed out before this meeting.
Lori O’Connor, Sarah Goodyear, Kate Terech, Janna Munkittrick-Colton, Jeka Dupont, Tiffany Ribeiro and Mary Doyle.

8. Appointment of Board of Directors/Nominations du conseil d’administration

President: Vincent Elit
Treasurer: Lori O’Connor
External Communications Coordinator: Kate Terech
Internal Communications Coordinator: Sarah Goodyear
Conference Coordinator: Janna Munkittrick-Colton
Chapter Coordinator: Jeka Dupont

Moved to accept the slate of directors by Barbara Cope, seconded by Linda Landreville. Motion Carried.

9. Thanks to Conference Committee/Remerciements au comité d’organisation de la conférence

Vincent thanked Jann Munkittrick-Colton and her team of volunteers including Melanie Taylor-Ridgeway and Pauline Gordon and the entire Board of Directors Team who planned and organized the 2021 conference. We also sent thank yous to all of our speakers, and our panelists from the Crime Writers of Canada. Following the conference, we welcome all feedback on our first virtual only conference.

10. Future Conferences/Prochaines conférences

Janna reported that a 2022 Conference plan will be included in the next board meeting. Durham College is being considered as a possible location with a webinar aspect to be included in case COVID-19 is still an issue. It was suggested that we investigate holding a hybrid conference with a mix of in person and virtual attendees and presenters.

11. Adjourned/Ajournement

Moved by Tracy Morgan to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Liz Aldrey. Motion Carried. The 48th Annual General Meeting of OALT/ABO is hereby adjourned at 1:48 p.m.