Welcome to the Ontario Association of Library Technicians / Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario

Spring 2017 Update

Dear Members of OALT/ABO,

The Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity to provide you with our Spring 2017 update. This update will highlight some of the documents available, and committees that have been formed for 2017-2018.

New Board Members for 2017-2018

On May 13, 2017, the Association held its Annual General Meeting at Algonquin College in Ottawa. At this event, we approved the 2016-2017 Annual Reports and held the elections for the 2017-2018 Board of Directors. At our first Board meeting, our Appointed Officers positions were appointed, in addition to our Conference Coordinator. The 2017-2018 Board includes the following members:

President: Vincent Elit
President-Elect: Carolin Toppan
Treasurer: Lori O’Connor
Internal Communications Coordinator: Katherine Butler
External Communications Coordinator: Kelly Sobie
2018 Conference Coordinator: Mary Chisholm
Chapter Coordinator: Shelby McEachern
Membership Coordinator: Jillann Rothwell
Archivist: Katie Schedlich

To contact any of the Board members, we can be reached at info@oaltabo.on.ca.

Annual General Meeting Reports

Electronic copies of the 2016-2017 Board Annual Reports are currently on our website. Final versions are available, including changes made following the Annual General Meeting, which were made at the request of the membership.

All documents are available here: https://oaltabo.on.ca/conference/annual-general-meetings-minutes/

2017-2018 Committees

The following Committees have been struck for the 2017-2018 year:

  • Constitution Committee
  • Web Committee

If you are interested in finding about more about either committee, please contact us.


The Board has voted to discontinue our printed version of the publication NewsLETTER/NouvELLES effective immediately. We are currently looking into online options, to allow for the dissemination of information using our website. Articles from the membership are still encouraged. Submission details will be available shortly.

For the time being, updates will be published through our website, and our social media accounts.
Direct link for updates: https://oaltabo.on.ca/newsletter-nouvelles/
You can also subscribe to these updates via RSS using your favourite RSS Reader. The link is https://oaltabo.on.ca/news-events/feed/.

Insured Status of the Association

At the Annual General Meeting in May, there were a couple of questions about the Insured Status of the Association. OALT/ABO currently has Directors and Officers Liability Insurance through Marsh Canada Limited, which was initially purchased in 2013. This insurance covers insured people including any individual who was, now is or shall be a director, officer, trustee, employee, volunteer or member of any duly constituted committee of OALT/ABO.

Membership Anniversaries

The following members are celebrating membership anniversaries…
5 Years: Steve Bouchard, Michelle Deas, Victoria Donnelly, Sherry Lawson, Sara Niro, Gwen Rourke-Frew, Alex Schmidt, Erica Sutton, Dixa Taylor
10 Years: Christina Andrews, Lori O’Connor
15 Years: Christopher Evans
25 Years: Sharon MacMillan
35 Years: Luisa Moniz-Fitzner
40 Years: Moria Camm
45 Years: Pat Graham

If you have any questions, or would like to contact any member of the Board or Committees at any time, they can all be reached by email at info@oaltabo.on.ca. All email requests will be forwarded to the appropriate point of contact.