Welcome to the Ontario Association of Library Technicians / Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario

2025 Conference Program

OALT/ABO 2025 Conference

Message from the Board of Directors

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I am excited to invite you all to join us this year for our 52nd annual conference on May 1st, 2025. This year, our conference will be held onsite at Best Western Plus Toronto Airport. Based on feedback from conference attendees, this event will be in-person only. Our Conference Committee has worked hard to prepare and to integrate all that we have learned from both our onsite and virtual conferences over the last number of years.

The theme of our conference this year is “Embrace the future / Embracer le futur”. We are looking forward to shining a light on the work of library technicians and the students who are the future of our profession.

Our sessions this year cover a variety of topics. I am pleased to announce Lily Kwok, Advocacy and Research Officer with the Ontario Library Association (OLA), who will be our keynote speaker on Thursday morning. Our sessions will run from 9:45 am to 5:00 pm. This year, we will be running two sessions at the same time.

Our Annual General Meeting will be held separately on Saturday May 10th, 2025. Please see our website for additional details here: https://oaltabo.on.ca/conference/annual-general-meetings-minutes/

We also understand the need to spend time together as we once did at our in-person conferences, to socialize with old friends, and meet new ones. Our annual banquet, that will take place during the lunch period this year is a great way to do this.

I would like to extend my thanks to Janna Munkittrick-Colton, the Conference Committee, and our Board of Directors for all of their hard work in planning this wonderful event. Volunteers are also an essential part of a conference’s execution, so I would like to express my gratitude for our LIT students and volunteers this year who are helping to ensure the sessions run smoothly. If you are interested in joining our volunteer team, please reach out to our Conference Team at conference@oaltabo.on.ca.

Conference details and a full schedule will be posted on our website (https://oaltabo.on.ca/conference), and social media accounts shortly. Please share these widely with your colleagues and networks.


Vincent Elit
President, Board of Directors | Président, Conseil d’administration

Message from the Conference Coordinator

“Embrace the future / Embrasser l’avenir” is an interesting theme for our 52nd conference.  It stems from the reticence of people to accept changes happening in the library world.

The conference this year is all on-site again as it is easier to bring people in from the area where we are holding our conference.  We are in Toronto this year at the BEST WESTERN PLUS Toronto Airport.

This year we have chosen for it to be a one-day conference on THURSDAY MAY 1, 2025.  We used to run our conference with there being a choice so we are trying a one day with two different workshops to choose from.

We will start our conference off with a Keynote speaker again.  We have chosen Lily Kwok from OLA.  She will speak about their project called Save our School Libraries.

After the Keynote speaker we will offer choices.

With the changes in our world, we need to try to present different things in different ways so we can find a new balance.

This year our banquet will be over the lunch break from 12 pm – 2 pm with the presentation of any awards.  Come enjoy and chat.


Janna Munkittrick-Colton
Conference Coordinator, Board of Directors | Coordinatrice de la conférence, Conseil d’administration

Conference Code of Conduct

The Ontario Association of Library Technicians/Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario uses the annual conference as a venue to promote the association’s mandate to:

  • Define clearly the role of the library and information technician and to make this definition widely known.
  • To publicize the value of library and information technicians and promote a wider understanding and acceptance of their status.
  • To institute recognized standards operating on the provincial level.
  • To work to liaise with related professions and institutions and to promote effective communication among library and information technicians and others in closely related fields.
  • To be receptive and aware of the constant changes and needs in the field of library and information technology, and the community.
  • To disseminate information relating to Library and Information Technicians.

So that the annual conference is a positive reflection of the Association and its mandate, conference attendees, speakers, volunteers, and staff of the venues are required to show respect and courtesy throughout the duration of the conference. The Association values the ideas, thoughts, and expression of all those that gather in the Association’s name.

Discriminatory language and imagery are not appropriate for any event be that online or in person. The Association will not tolerate harassment in any form. Harassment is understood as any behavior that threatens another person or group, or produces an unsafe environment. It includes offensive verbal comments or non-verbal expressions related to gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religious beliefs, sexual or discriminatory images in public spaces (include online), deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

If at any time a conference attendee, speaker, volunteer, or staff of a venue feels that they have been harassed or that this code of conduct has been breached, it is important that this person report it the OALT/ABO’s President (president@oaltabo.on.ca). The President will complete a review of all reported violations of the code of conduct. The Board of OALT/ABO will be notified of any reviews.

Adapted from Ontario Library Association’s Code of Conduct for OLA Events and Code4Lib Creative Commons Conference Code.


Vincent Elit – president@oaltabo.on.ca
Janna Munkittrick-Colton – conference@oaltabo.on.ca
Our entire team : info@oaltabo.on.ca


Thursday May 1st, 2025 / jeudi le 1er mai 2025

9:30 AM – 10:00 AM Opening Remarks & Registration
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Save our School Libraries and Advocacy for Library Technicians| Lily Kwok – KEYNOTE
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | Fiona O’Connor Mugo Library, an all-in-one web solution | Dave Fearnley
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Lunch & Awards Banquet
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM How to run a successful fundraising campaign | Emily Sullivan Elementary School and Public Library Collaborations | Eileen Gallagher, Amy Johnston
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Surveys, Action, Market! | Janice Thompson, Melissa Paladines CLEA – Your Accessible Reading Toolbox – options for patrons with print disabilities | Lindsay Tyler
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Puppets in the Library | Janna Munkittrick Colton 25 years in the biz – Forging a path from graduation to upper management | Christy Harper
Session Descriptions

Thursday May 1st, 2025

Opening Remarks & Registration

Vincent Elit (President, Board of Directors), Janna Munkittrick-Colton

Join us beginning at 9:30 AM to start your day. The formal opening reception and remarks will begin at 9:45am with remarks from the Board of Directors.

Save our School Libraries and Advocacy for Library Technicians

Lily Kwok – Advocacy and Research Officer, Ontario Library Association (Keynote Speaker)

Participate in an important discussion on the role of the Library Technician in library sector advocacy and learn tips and tricks to improve your self-advocacy toolkit. Learn about the Ontario Library Association (OLA)’s “Save Our School Libraries” campaign, where we will discuss how to engage the provincial government, raise public awareness, and garner support, while also addressing challenges faced by Library Technicians in the school library environment.

An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Fiona O’Connor (Toronto Public Library)

AI technologies are transforming modern life, with applications in healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment. From virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to self-driving cars, fraud detection systems, and personalized shopping recommendations, AI is shaping the way we live and interact with the digital world. Join this beginner-friendly workshop to explore what AI is, how it learns and predicts outcomes, and how it is shaping our everyday experiences.

Mugo Library, an all-in-one web solution

Dave Fearnley (Mugo Web)

Mugo Web has developed a custom CMS solution for public libraries that includes calendar and event registration, meeting room management, book club kit reservations, equipment booking, custom forms, and more. Mugo Library is fully accessible and easy for both staff and patrons to use. See a live demonstration of the product, and ask questions about making your site more accessible and user-friendly.

How to run a successful fundraising campaign

Emily Sullivan (Orillia Public Library)

In this session, we will explore the essential strategies and time-saving techniques that can transform your fundraising efforts into a resounding success. Discover how to engage your community, leverage digital platforms, and build lasting partnerships to secure vital resources for your library’s growth and development.

Elementary School and Public Library Collaborations

Eileen Gallagher (Milton Public Library) and Amy Johnston (Guardian Angles Catholic Elementary School)

Ways in which school and public libraries work together to provide support and additional services for the students.

Surveys, Action, Market!

Janice Thompson and Melissa Paladines (William Osler Health System)

Surveys are a great way of knowing what our users think about our services and resources and ensures we are providing clinicians with what they need. But, after reviewing the responses what’s next? For us it was creating an action plan to identify and brainstorm how we could address any gaps in services or resources.

Once the action plan was created and plans made to tackle the issues, we noticed that many gaps stemmed from a lack of awareness about our services or resources. This led to the creation and execution of a marketing plan – a targeted plan to showcase what the library has and how we can support their clinical practice.

We’ll discuss the creation of our library survey using LibWizard, how we promoted the survey, reviewed the results, and created an action and marketing plan using Excel and Canva.

CELA -Your accessible reading toolbox – options for patrons with print disabilities

Lindsay Tyler (Centre for Equitable Library Access)

Just like a tradesperson’s toolbox, readers with print disabilities have many devices and apps available to make reading accessible, from the specialized to the mainstream. In this session we will highlight the main accessible reading devices and apps, what formats they work with, and how library patrons can use them. The session will include demonstrations of new and popular choices.

Puppets in the Library

Janna Munkittrick-Colton (Belleville Public Library)

Janna will discuss and demonstrate different types of puppets and how to write your own puppet show.

25 years in the biz – Forging a path from graduation to upper management

Christy Harper (Whitby Public Library)

Christy graduated from Sheridan College in 1999 and has worked in libraries ever since. She will talk about using the skills learned in the Technician program to move between a variety of library types (hospital, non-profit, corporate, and public), and how she was able to work her way into upper management using those skills, continuing education, mentor relationships and a variety of experiences.

Annual General Meeting

The 52nd Annual General Meeting of the Ontario Association of Library Technicians/Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario will be held separately from our annual conference. It will take place on Saturday, May 10th, 2025 at 12 PM remotely via Zoom.

Members in good standing, who are unable to attend the meeting in person may by means of proxy appoint a proxy holder, or one or more alternative proxy holders, who need not be members, as the member’s nominee to attend and act at the meeting in the manner, to the extent and with the authority conferred by the proxy. A member wishing to appoint by proxy, a proxy holder(s) is required to complete the following form, signing and dating it, and giving it to the proxy holder to return to the Chair of the Annual General Meeting, the President of the Association, prior to the call for order on Saturday, May 10th, 2025.
Proxy forms must be sent via email before Saturday, May 10th, 2025 to info@oaltabo.on.ca.

Further information and documentation will be sent out when available, as well as being posted to our website at: https://oaltabo.on.ca/conference/annual-general-meetings-minutes/.

Conference Pricing
Full ConferenceThursday (includes Lunch banquet) and all sessions
Member$125 Member – Student/Retiree$100* Non-Member$165 ** Non-Member – Student/Retiree$125 **

Become a member or renew your membership before registering to get the member price!

*A student is any individual currently enrolled in a full-time or part-time library & information diploma, or post diploma certificate program or those who have graduated from an aforementioned program to a period of six months after their graduation.

**Non-member pricing includes a full membership at either the full member or student/retiree rate.

Accommodations and Travel


Best Western Plus Toronto Airport
 5825 Dixie Rd | Mississauga, ON | L4W 4V7
 Toll Free Central Reservations : 1(800) 780-7234
 Hotel Direct Number : (905) 670-8180
 Website : Best Western Plus Toronto Airport

 DATES: April 30 to May 2nd, 2025

GROUP RATE: $139.00 + fees and taxes (Total: 166.49/night)
 2 Queen Beds
 ***Promo Code Expires – March 31, 2025 + OALT/ABO Delegates are still be able to Book Accommodations after
  Promo Code Expiration Date, Based on Availability at the Current Nightly Rate

Instructions to Book On-Line: Accommodations Availability Based on First Come – First Serve. Please Book Promptly –
To Book On-Line: https://www.bestwestern.com/en_US/book/hotel-rooms.66037.html?groupId=2F8UC8B7

  • Enter Both Desired Arrival & Departure Dates

Instructions to Book by Phone:
To Reserve by Phone – Please Call 1(800) 780-7234 + Reference Group Name OALT Meeting


Best Western Plus Toronto Airport
 5825 Dixie Rd | Mississauga, ON | L4W 4V7



  • It is recommended that you take the UP Express to from Union Station to the Toronto Pearson International Airport.
  • There is a complimentary shuttle that runs to and from the airport approximately every 40 minutes.
  • Please reach out to the hotel at (905) 670-8180 for additional information.


The closest airport is Toronto Pearson International Airport.
