Welcome to the Ontario Association of Library Technicians / Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario

Winter 2019 Update

Dear Members of OALT/ABO,

The Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity to provide you with our Winter update. This update will highlight some of the work that we have done in the last couple of months.

Table of contents

2019 Membership Form now available

The Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your membership during the last year. We would also like to remind you that renewal fees for 2019 membership are now due. Information is available on our website at: https://oaltabo.on.ca/product/2019-membership/.
Membership related questions can be sent to membership@oaltabo.on.ca

Award Nominations now being accepted

Nominations for the 2018 Presidential Award and the Award for Innovation are now being accepted. Details can be found at https://oaltabo.on.ca/awards. Submissions will be accepted by email at info@oaltabo.on.ca. The due date is April 1, 2019.

Conference 2019

Conference Program and Registration details for our Annual Conference are available, and can be found on our website at: https://oaltabo.on.ca/conference/.
Conference related questions can be sent to conference@oaltabo.on.ca

Annual General Meeting 2019

The 46th Annual General Meeting of the Ontario Association of Library Technicians/Association des bibliotechniciens de l’Ontario will be held on Saturday, May 04, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. at the Best Western Cairncroft in Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Members in good standing, who are unable to attend the meeting in person may by means of proxy appoint a proxyholder, or one or more alternative proxyholders, who need not be members, as the member’s nominee to attend and act at the meeting in the manner, to the extent and with the authority conferred by the proxy . A member wishing to appoint by proxy, a proxyholder(s) are required to complete the following form, signing and dating it, and giving it to the proxyholder to return to the Chair of the Annual General Meeting, the President of the Association, prior to the call for order on Saturday, May 04, 2019.

If you have any questions, or would like to contact any member of the Board or Committees at any time, we can all be reached by email at info@oaltabo.on.ca. All email requests will be forwarded to the appropriate point of contact.